Search accommodation

Format: 2025-01-18
Format: 2025-01-18

Our information

Working hours
Monday - Sunday
08:00 h -15:00 h
17:00 h -20:00 h
Podvrtaje 65
22 243 Murter, Croatia
GPS coordinates:
T: 00385 (0)22 436 544
F: 00385 (0)22 436 545

Methods of payment

In a column ¨Methods of payment¨ can be found the information on how to make a deposit payment for a chosen accommodation and how to find an appropriate method of payment.

1. Cash payment at the tourist agency Murter-Kornati, Arta

beneficiary: Obrt za turizam Murter-Kornati , Turistička agencija Arta, Podvrtaje 65, 22243 Murter, Croatia

2. By postal money order

payee: name, surname and the address of the person making a reservation
amount: the amount of the advance payment according to the pro-forma invoice
purpose of the payment: booking accommodation or a boat
beneficiary: Obrt za turizam Murter-Kornati , Turistička agencija Arta, Podvrtaje 65, 22243 Murter, Croatia

3. Payment to the agency's giro-account (payment only within the Republic of Croatia)

payee: name, surname and the address of the person making a reservation
amount: the amount of the advance payment according to the pro-forma invoice
purpose of the payment: booking accommodation or a boat
beneficiary: Obrt za turizam Murter-Kornati , Turistička agencija Arta, Podvrtaje 65, 22243 Murter, Croatia
IBAN: HR2223600001101665543

4. Payment to the agency's foreign-exchange account (payment outside the Republic of Croatia)

payee: name, surname and the address of the person making a reservation
amount: the amount of the advance payment according to the pro-forma invoice
purpose of the payment: booking accommodation or a boat
beneficiary: Obrt za turizam Murter-Kornati , Turistička agencija Arta, Podvrtaje 65, 22243 Murter, Croatia
IBAN: HR2223600001101665543